
Brotherhood from Sweden is a band that has been around since 2007. They have released multiplied albums and singles and we caught them when they were playing as support to "The Mission" in Stockholm in May of 2023. Here´s what they had to say:


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You started the band back in 2007. Could you tell us about the early days of the band and what goals you had when you first started out?

We’ve known each other since forever and had a lot of different bands and musical projects together in those early days. Then Micke moved to Stockholm to work in the music business and Stefan started and joined some other bands. In 2007 we decided that we wanted to do something musically together again. When we wrote and recorded what was to become “Turn The Gold To Chrome” we thought a lot about The Sisters of Mercy album “Floodland”. Which in - our opinion - is a great album with just great songs and fantastic production. We wanted our debut album to be the same.  We had a clear picture of sound and approach already from the beginning and that’s been the foundation for Brotherhood ever since.

Two of your inspirations are ”Sisters Of Mercy” and ”Joy Division”. Your music could perhaps best be explained by the words ”Goth” and ”Darkwave”. There´s some vibes from the 80´s as well as from the 90´s…what is it with these two bands that you think sets them apart from the rest?

Sure we have some favourite bands we’ve been listing to like forever, but we’re really listening to all kinds of genre and “styles” and get inspiration from that. What we have in common is a mutual respect and love for bands like Sisters and Joy Division. Just like The Cure, Depeche Mode, Nick Cave and Foetus.


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Let us talk a bit about lyrics. How important is the content of lyrics on your albums? Do you wish for the listener to make up their own minds? Is there room for different interpretations?

A good inspiration for a Brotherhood track could be anything from a great song, a phrase in a movie or just improvising in the studio. Lyrically all songs build around the themes of life, love, misery and death – as life is. Lyrics are very important to us and hopefully the listener can do their own interpretation. It’s always two sides on a coin….

Speaking of lyrics…which song are you most pleased with and why so?

I think both of us really enjoy “Down” from our latest album “In The Violet Hour”. It starts with the phrase “Well, how can I help you?” and ends with “You shut me out”. There is only two verses and a chorus but the lyrics are complete in a way. 


                                                        Photo: Uffe Sandin

In 2023 you were supporting the mighty ”The Mission” in Stockholm for two nights in a row. It was great fun to hear your songs live and the crowd seemed to dig Brotherhood. How was it for you on stage? Did you enjoy the concerts or was there also perhaps some tension before you walked on to the stage?

It was absolutely fantastic and we had a great time. The audience was amazing. We were so thankful for the audience reactions to our songs. Bear in mind that this was like the first time we presented Brotherhood live in Sweden on a proper stage. Before these shows we were used to travel to Germany a weekend every second year to do a show. We have never toured in Sweden, by choice. We first got the question to support The Mission in the end of 2019 and then the pandemic came along. The shows were rescheduled three times and at some point we thought that it would never happen. But it did!  For these shows we really wanted to present Brotherhood in a proper way and recruited a great live crew with Johan Mörén – bass, Peter Bjärgö - guitar, vox, Tim Rytterström – guitar and Luna Joyce – backing vox. Two nights supporting a band that we really respect, at a great venue with the best audience we could hope for. Great sound and lights. Yes – Brotherhood is finally ready to perform more shows or festivals. It was great!

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If we go back to 2012 and the track ”Sleepwalking” what can you tell us about that song? What inspired you to write that song?

All Brotherhood songs comes from our own hearts and mind. Guess it’s to personal to go into details. But listening to it know we can hear the questioning of a relationship, self hatred and despair produced in a nice musical suit a bit too eighties.

Staying true to the 80´s and 90´s vibes with electronic drums…have you ever thought of incorporate a real drummer or do you think that it sounds better with electronic drums?

No. Yes.

The band has been going on for more than 15 years now. Is there still elements of your music that you want to expand on and explore more as the years has passed by?

Brotherhood is all about classic gothic rock dressed in a modern sound with lyrics inspired by life and death, love and hate and how to set free and let go. We’ll stick to that.

                                                Photo: Uffe Sandin

If we talk a bit about recording in a studio vs. playing live…what comes to your mind?

We have our own studio and has started to record new songs. We will see in the future if the songs will be on album, EP or released as just singles. Recording and producing music has always been the most important for Brotherhood but now after the shows with The Mission we really want to perform live again.

The last question for this time…What does the future hold for Brotherhood?

We have a lean, mean killing machine of a live band right now and we are well rehearsed. Hopefully we can keep the momentum and release some killer songs and perform some more live shows.




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