The Crazymen Band


First of all, you have just released your new LP, can you tell us a bit about that? 

Well, it was quite a ride to finish it I have to say... We had alot of material to choose from so to break it down into "just" 12 songs was a challenge... We recorded it during 1 years time so alot of ideas and stuff flying around... In the end I have to say it became one of the best we´ve done with a good mix of everyting we like in music... 


Was it hard to find inspiration for the new LP or did it come automatically?

Not really since we are living in such crazy times it´s not that hard to find inspiration to do another "crazymen record" (haha), I mean we´ve had this crazy pandemic (or "plandemic" as I prefer to call it) and now the war aswell, war has always been going on btw. now is´t just more obvious, so inspiration for lyrics is not hard to find...Also we have 4 instrumental songs on the record without any lyrics so that´s also a good thing about the record... To much lyrics can disturb the music so we try to keep the balance between lyrics and music...




Which song was trickiest to record and equally which song was easiest to record?

The trickiest I have to say was "Territorial Commander" since we we´re not happy with the sound of the drums, the drumming was good but the sound was not what we were looking for so, we wanted a more industrial sound on that one, so we actually exchange "normal drums" into "synth drums" but with the same drumming so to speak... So the guitars, bas and vocals and everything else were left untouched but we made new drums to it and that was quite a challenge... Easiest or quickest I would say was the instrumental ones like "Yeshua Hopp 22" & "Sea Of Glass"... Those are just first or second take and then on to the next song...


You have been around now for 20 years and is there any special events planned to mark this special year?

Yes we´ve asked for permission to do an outdoor concert in our hometown Motala in the beginnig of June so we hope that works out... Time and place will be on the homepage when we know more about that... If there is to much trouble with that concert we´ll just do it spontaniously out in the woods with a generator or something... We already did on supirse show like that btw. at "Bondebacka / Motala" in january when not many dared to play anywhere at all because of the "plandemic"... We performed 4 songs 1 new song from the record (Vaccinpass på Utedass) and also on that did´nt make it to the record so it´s a "previously unreleased" track called "The Loving Doom"... So check it out if you want atleast 1 person stopped by and you can see him walking by and waving... so funny crazy times as usual...


You have lyrics about religious themes incorporated in your songs. Can you tell us a bit about that?

Yes the Bible is a big inspiration to the lyrics eventhough some might say they don´t hear much of it at first, but when you dig deeper into what we are saying and start reading the Bible yourself, you will understand more..."War Frogs" from the new album is a good example... Ofcourse it´s a comment about what´s going on right now but with a much wider perspective... And the question is were is this all going and what happens next... Well the Bible has a good answer to that, believe it or not, and that is the "Battle of Harmageddon" were the armies of the world will gather in a battle against the Lord Jesus Christ himself someday in the future... So as I see it what is going on behind this war is that... "The dark side" is trying to unite all the armies into one... Now we are far from that right now ofcourse but just look at what happend after the first and second World War (WW1 & WW2)... After the first one a weaker verison of the UN was formed... After WW2 a much stronger UN started to operate... And now after what has just started now I think we are going to see an even stronger version of a UN kind of organisation grow in power and influence as things get worse and a large cry for peace and stabillity grows ...  The Book of Revelation chapter 12-16 talks about this "One World Order" thing... But the end of the story is still hopefull since the darkness will not overcome the light as we can read in Revelation chapter 19-21... So the good and righteous king Jesus Christ (or "Yeshua" in original hebrew) will return an establish Gods Kingdom on earth so that´s something to look forward to but for the moment we need to prepare for suffering but also excpect miracles and supernatural stuff aswell... So it´s exciting and frightning at the same time... That´s what the album title and picture "Living ABOVE The Cyclone Firestorm" is all about... Hard times is here but there is hope for those who trust the Lord, to sum it up in a few words...


Let´s talk a bit about live concerts. What are you fondest memories when it comes to playing live?

Wow that´s a good question I guess all our "Forest Suprise Concerts" with a generator is the most exciting... Last time we did it in June 2021 (january 2022 was acustic without the generator) we we´re at a place called "Håleberget" and there was alot of cars driving by, since we were play close to a road, waving etc.  and beeing very shocked excited at what they saw... So that´s always fun to do... you can check it at our Bitchute channel it also has alot of "Previously Unreleased" material that did´nt end up on the record so for those interessted in some ideas that did´nt make it all the way... Also first time we played "Prophet Denial, Doom Arrival" aswell but that one is on the record (track 10 if I remember right)


How has the music industry changed over the past 20 years and what effects on this have you seen?

Oh well alot I have to say... When we started alot of bands were trying to get signed by a label or something and we also tried that in the beginning but we figured out that we will have much more freedom and less pressure if we just do it ourself with our own label (Vuv Records) so that´s what we did... And I guess during these years more and more band have been doing the same since the big music industry is corrupt and it´s more and more obvious right now that they don´t have much to offer... Bands could be easier fooled into a bad contract 20 years ago as I see it...


What favorite bands do you listen to yourselves?

Well alot of different stuff... Everything from instrumental, gospel, blues, punk, stonerrock to the hardest of rock you can imagine... Just today I put on the song "Waterfront" by "Simple Minds" while driving to the studio, that´s a good one, both kind of heavy and soft at the same time... That band most people think is just a "pop band" from Scotland but they have alot more to it and they actually started as a punk band... So they have some heavy stuff aswell so interessting... I did´nt bother listening to their stuff til recently and I had some suprises I have to say::


Do you have any sideprojects where you create music and can you tell us a bit about that?

Oh yes there´s many and for myself the soloproject is called "Popofobic" and it´s kind of the same time like the this band but with a more "stonerrock" influence ... Then I also play in "IngoÅsk" has more kind of 80s Heavy Metal influence... There is more but those are the ones I spend most time at... Check out the "Vuv Records samplers 1-5" for more sideprojects...

 Can you tell us why you choosed the name ”The Crazymen

     Well there are many explanations to that but one is from the Bible actually in 1:st Chorintians 1:18-20 talking about that the foolish or "crazyness" of the message that we bring...if you prefer: 

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
    the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”[c]

20 Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

So that´s one explanation, the other one is that I was into 60s garage bands for a while that had names like "Trashmen", "Man or Astroman" etc. so that´s another explanation...



What plans do you have for 2022?

Do more live stuff, musicvideos and interviews like this...

      If you would make up a question of your own choice, what would that be?

When is this interview over dude ?... Answer: Right now gotta go... see ya..


Check out or latest Music Video "Living Above The Storm"


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