Review – Amon Düül And The Birth Of Krautrock 1968-1972

Review - “Amon Düül And The Birth Of Krautrock 1968-1972"
Author: Tobias Petterson
Released: 2013

Writing a book about a band that has meant a lot to the krautrock-movement and inspired countless instrumental rock and post-rock bands and even the likes of U2, is not an easy operation. This book deals with both the birth of this mythological german band and the political and social context in which they grew up within and how all of these parameters affected the band which is known as “Amon Düül”.
The Swedish writer and musician Tobias Petterson points out in the foreword that quote:

This is an unofficial biography. It has not been authorized by any of the members of Amon Düül II, although during the writing of this book some of them have been interviewed at length, providing invaluable information. There are a lot of rumours surrounding Amon Düül II, and many things have been written and said about them. Many of these rumours are almost impossible to substantiate, but still they appear, again and again, in writings about Amon Düül II.”

So even if the book is an unofficial biography there´s many interviews and quotes from the band members, which makes the book very much worthwhile to read.  As a former teacher in history, religion and society knowledge myself, the parts of the book that explains the social structure and history in which the divided Germany shared back in the 1910-1990´s trough the two world wars, the iron curtain and onwards, gives the book another interesting aspect and credibility. It´s clear that the author tries to pinpoint the background and historical influences in which the band members grew up within.

Like many Germans during these last 100 years, there´s some kind of invisible and divided aspects of indirect guilt and a fighting spirit against the systems that made the Germans both the perpetrators and victims. From the world wars and Nazimus, to the separated West Germany and the socialistic satellite state of DDR, with its close bounds to the Former-Soviet Union, this is part of the German national identity and soul, yet starting a band and controlling your own music can be a part of resisting and refusing to become a “victim” of the systems that tries to make you an slave.

The book also deals with the social movements during the 1960´s, 1970´s and 1980´s with the many countless “hippie-movements” around the world, which also contributed to the views and influences of “Amon Düül”.
One thing to remember when writing any book about any band, is that perhaps and maybe, there´s always a small risk of overanalyzing the historical, social and political contexts in which the band grew up in within. 

Why so?

A band of musician usually have more goals than just escape a corrupt system, and they have more ideas and factors that motivates than just the context of their political and social surroundings. When people are young they tend to also have very narrow minded and “black/white”-views on the world and the books partly explains that the members of “Amon Düül” had many influences and views within many different aspects of their musicianship.

If we leave all “context-ism´s” behind and focus on the music itself, it´s easy and most likely very common to fall into the trap of baptizing “Amon Düül” as a “minimalistic krautrock band”, yet like with all bands, even bands that seem to have a “fixed formula”, they always develops and expands with time.

Describing music is like describing a UEFA Champions League Final and especially the 2005 final between Liverpool and Milan, where the Italians had a “secure” 3-0 lead before the English suddenly woke up and quickly turned things around to 3-3 and won after penalties and overtime. You had to witness it with your own eyes and just like with music, it´s almost impossible and a waste of time in describing how “krautrock sounds”.
Therefore, do yourself justice and read the book and why not also listen to some early music by “Amon Düül”.

It´s a very well-written book and not only for “Amon Düül”-fanatics, also for those who are interested in German history.


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