
Den Flygande Bokrullen

Med fart och fläkt så tar det svenska klezmer- och balkanbandet ”Den Flygande Bokrullen” med sina lyssnare på en färd som man sent ska glömma. Vi tänkte att det var hög tid att få veta vad de gör just nu, men också höra lite historier från förr…här är de frågor som vi spånade fram till bandet:                                                                                                           Foto: Rock Punk       Först av allt, hur är dagsformen hos er?   - Bra, skulle jag säga. Vi har haft en del spelningar här under hösten, både offentliga och härliga festgig, så då håller man sig i trim. Och så håller vi på att repa ihop nya låtar som vi kan spela in i studion för att kunna göra ett nytt Bokrullealbum så småningom. Vi har spelat in en del och måste kanske sätta fem låtar till.    För dem som fortfarande undrar lite om uppkomsten och vad ni inspireras av, kan ni berätta lite om de tidiga åren med bandet?    - Ja, det var jag (Matti) och Gustav som började spela folkmusik på ma


Trallskruv är ett melodiöst svenskt punkband med många fina låtar. De spelar snabbt och de spelar med fart och fläkt. Vi tänkte att det var hög tid att få veta mer om detta eminenta band, så här kommer ett gäng spontana frågor:   Först av allt, tack för intervjun och hoppas ni har det fint! För oss som inte vet när ni började spela med Trallskruv, kan ni ge oss en historielektion?      - Hej, tack detsamma! Idén kläcktes 2014 efter att Farbror och Pråper hade spelat visor tillsammans ett tag. Vårt första släpp kom 2015 och efter ett par uppföljare, medlemsbyten och några pauser hoppade Drängen in på gitarr under pandemin. Nu är vi mer aktiva än någonsin, vilket är kul för vissa.   Trallskruv spelar ju oftast snabb och melodiös punk, även detta som man ibland kallar för ”Trallpunk”…hur kom det sig att ni började spela en sån här snabb och fartfylld typ av punkrock?      - Det är musik samtliga medlemmar har lyssnat på under uppväxten, och i brist på andra gemensamma nämnare blev det så.


American alternative progressive rockers of Mammatus has been on our radar for quite a while and finally we had the chance to do this interview with them. Sit back, relax, and read further on...   First of all, could you tell us why and how you started the band?   Mammatus originated from a collective passion for crafting expansive, immersive music, fueled by a shared vision among us.  Guitarist Nicky (myself) and drummer Aaron, bound by a blood connection as brothers, share a unique bond that traces back to our formative years of growing up and playing music together. This familial tie not only solidified our artistic connection but also infused Mammatus with a shared history and musical language that is deeply ingrained.   Adding to this familial dynamic, bass player Chris entered the picture as a brother from another mother. Chris became an integral part of Mammatus, joining forces with Aaron and I after high school. Our shared experiences forged a camaraderie that transcended mere


Ø resund Space Collective has just released their new album entitled "Everyone Is Evil" and Dr.Space was kind enough to answer our´s what he had to say:                                                            Photo: Ø resund Space Collective   First of all, how are you all doing out there in space?  Dr Space: Busy working in my garden, recording bands in the studio, finishing releases and working on mixes for 2 new bandcamp subscriber songs from our last OSC studio session from Sept 2022. Also trying to promote my new solo album ( ).    You have just released your latest album ”Everyone Is Evil”. What was the thought behind the title? Dr Space: We had just come out of the room from having this amazing jam and some of the guys who did not play on it or did and left the room (it was 64mins long), when we came into the control room, they were pretty blown away and Hasse (bass pla


Brotherhood from Sweden is a band that has been around since 2007. They have released multiplied albums and singles and we caught them when they were playing as support to "The Mission" in Stockholm in May of 2023. Here´s what they had to say:                                                                                       Photo: Uffe Sandin You started the band back in 2007. Could you tell us about the early days of the band and what goals you had when you first started out? We’ve known each other since forever and had a lot of different bands and musical projects together in those early days. Then Micke moved to Stockholm to work in the music business and Stefan started and joined some other bands. In 2007 we decided that we wanted to do something musically together again. When we wrote and recorded what was to become “Turn The Gold To Chrome” we thought a lot about The Sisters of Mercy album “Floodland”. Which in - our opinion - is a great album with just great songs

A Projection

A Projection from Sweden will soon turn 10 years old as a band. Last time we talked to them was around five years back and we thought that time has come to check in on things again. The singer Rikard kindly answered our questions, and here´s what he had to say: It´s been five years since we talked the last time. What have you been up to since then? Rikard: Worked, toured, and recorded. Since last time we must have released "Section" and "In a Different Light", right?                                                                      Photo Courtesy: A Projection   In november of 2022 you released your latest record entitled ”In A Different Light”. What can you tell us about the recording process for that album? Rikard: We went back to a way of recording that I personally like: recording the songs one by one, letting them rest, taking them up again and reworking them in different iterations, while still having the overall sound profile and philosophy in mi

EF 2022

One of Sweden´s longest running post-rock bands "EF" will release a new record on November the 4th. We sent over some questions to see how things are going and what we can expect from the new record. Here´s what they have to say...                                                                 Photo: EF First of all, it´s been four years since we talked the last time. How have you survived the period of Covid-19? We’ve all survived - yes! All of us got it of course but no one got really bad which we feel lucky about. I believe all of our close ones also gone through the pandemics without anything worse than a tough cold.But the pandemics was also what made us contact each other again and start figuring out a way to create music again. The boredom that sneaked upon you when you couldn’t party, travel or even meet your old folks was horrible.       In November of 2022 you will release your new album entitled ”We Salute You, You and You!”. We have heard the first preview