
Syberia from Barcelona, Catalonia, is a post-rockband with both melodic and heavy parts which stands out in their music. We sent over some questions to see what the band is up to. Could you tell us a bit about why you started the band and what ambitions you had in the beginning? We had always played in other bands and a few of us who wanted to make instrumental music got together. At that time there weren't as many bands as now and we were fans of Caspian, Mogwai, Isis and similar groups. We wanted to make something of our own and play as many places as possible. Speaking more about the start of the band, why did you pick the name "Syberia"? We were looking for a name that was one word and had a good sound. One of us loves geography and proposed it. We liked it and it stayed that way. When you think of the past and now the present, what has changed the most during all these years? Since the start a lot of things have changed. Without going in any further detail...