
Since their debut album, ”This World”, back in 2014 Louisville band “Watter” has slowly built up a reputation as one of the most interesting instrumental bands around. Developing and expanding further with their second album “History of the Future” released in 2017 and some touring later, we hooked up with Zak Riles and Tyler Trotter in 2019. Courtesy: Watter Band (2014) We first heard about “Watter” from an American taping friend who provided us with a copy of one of your concerts back in 2015. After listening back to that tape, we bought both the CD and LP-version, and that was the most spinned LP-vinyl of that year. Was starting “Watter” a conscious decision or was it solely a solo project in the beginning? Tyler: Originally it was a conscious decision to do a recording project. Zak and I both owned stores (Bluegrass Green and Louisville Beer ...