A Projection

"A Projection" is a relatively new band that we discovered already 2 years back. ICIT Webzine sent over some questions to A "Projection" , and here´s the answers. With your new album out we can see the true and remarkable progression since 2 years back. When you recorded the new album how much of the old "A Projection" did you use or was it only "new ideas" that you worked with when creating the new album? A Projection: In the process of recording the new album we had some old song that never made it to "EXIT". We tried give those songs a new touch while still keeping much of the old feeling. You have recently been out touring in Germany, how did you make that tour happen? A Projection : All the gigs on the tour was booked by our booking agent, Howdy Partner Booking, which is a part of our Hamburg based record company, Tapete Records. You have an 80´s sound when it comes to the drums. Bands like "The Cure...